- General Internal Medicine
- Emergency Medicine
- Current problems and controversies of internal medicine
- Acute Care and Emergency Medicine
- Gender Medicine
- Oncology & Cancer
- Cancer Biology & Immunology
- Hematology & Transfusion medicine
- Pathology
- Radiology and Imaging in Cancer
- Rheumatology
- Neurology & Alzheimer’s Disease
- Migraine
- Cardiology
- Cardio-Oncology and Nuclear Cardiology
- Pneumology
- Gastroenterology
- Sexual Medicine
- Women’s and Men’s Health
- Adult Diseases
- Breast cancer in women
- Sexual Transmitted Diseases
- Nephrology
- Maternal-Foetal Medicine
- Pediatric Gynecology
- Family Planning and Contraception Methods
- Geriatric Medicine
- Nursing and Healthcare
- Pain Management and Palliative Care
- Patient Safety
- Eating Disorders
- Surgery & Anaesthesia
- General Anaesthesia
- Kidney and Urinary Tract Diseases
- Management and Quality of Health Care
- Infectious Disease & Rare diseases
- Dermatology & Skin Diseases
- Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)
- Dental and Oral Health
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Pulmonology
- HIV Transmission & Prevention
- Thyroid Disease
- Science and Technology
- Obesity and Weight Management
- Metabolism disorders
- Hepatology & liver transplantation